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Saturday, February 13, 2010

I Was Issued a Challenge

So folks sitting here in the "Command Center" with my good friend @flygirlie314 and my husband @wookiestyle we were discussing art work. You see Flygirlie is an artist and my husband has been challenging her to draw for him. He sees potential in her to become a tattoo artist. So she was explaining in her way that when she draws its therapeutic and when asked to just draw on demand she cant do it. My response to this was-When I first started writing poem I could only write from my heart of what was happening in my life... Now I can write about anything. It just takes practice. Being the smart ass that she is she looked at me and said- Oh yeah well then write me a poem about "....."
So here it is...

Comment please and tell me...Until you got to the end did you know what I was talking about?

Glorious flame

Calling to me

Simmer and burn

Accelerated necessity

Hotter, faster

Are you ready for me?

Coating with my desire

The goodness of me

Flavor for you to reap

You’re ready

Placing my offering

Upon you with care




I love my barbecue


  1. PERFECT!!! ABSOLUTELY FREAKIN PERFECT!!! *raises finger to mark on imaginary chalk board* score one for WookiesGirl!!!.....lmao

  2. LMAO! And you have done it! Finger lickin good!

  3. Barsexbecue never tasted so poetic. Fantastic poem, WookiesGirl.

    I understand Fly's angst though. A leisure pursuit doesn't always, easily transition into an on demand effort.

    Play nice. lmao Jenny loves you. ox

  4. Hahaha!! Hilarious! And great of course. Still rolling on the floor.

  5. That's good stuff! Jodi
