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Sunday, May 30, 2010


Sweetness and vulnerability.

Sharing so much of me,

With little left to give.

Anything and all you need.

This, the very essence of me.

Mistaken claims of sincerity.

Actually, lies once told by me.

The twin,

You thought you knew.

Truth or imaginary?

This, the very brand of me.

Which is it you prefer I be?

The mirror is tarnished.

Polish it,

Won’t you please?

Stop pretending you see so clearly.

Justly, I believed your stories in my mind.

This, the very darkness in me.

A stranger,

To everyone who sees me.

Loving? Caring? Giving?

The truth is…

I’m selfish.

Who do you see?

Me or your twin?

This, the very essence of me.


  1. I really love the duality of this one.... well done honey!!!

  2. All I can say is I FUCKING LOVE THIS!!! I love it on so many levels! This speaks volumes to the wife I was once.

  3. nice use of imagery my friend!

