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Friday, March 4, 2011

Villanelle for the Death of Archery (anonymous guest post)

Gorgeous villanelle guest post written by a friend.

There are far too many things that you don't know
The revelry and squalor packed away
It's time to pull the curtain on my show

A million little boxes in a row
To bury or to swallow was the game
There are far too many things that you don't know

Choked them prickly searing down my throat
Afraid to use my shovel or my spade
It's time to pull the curtain on my show

The perfect Swedish angel in the snow
The sickness that I still feel to this day
There are far too many things that you don't know

I loved you then I love you now and so
Painful that it has to be this way
It's time to pull the curtain on my show

Serenity and wisdom are the bow
The quiver and the arrows disobey
There are far too many things that you don't know
It's time to pull the curtain on my show

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