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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Heard Them Clearly

One more time please
I don’t think everyone heard
The words you screamed
Your cunning cutting tongue
Slices my spoiled heart

My promises made
Were promises kept
And I’m still standing here
Holding foolishly
To a single strand of hope

Watching you walk away
Carrying the air I breathe
Wondering when you’ll love me again
Waiting for you to remember
Why you loved me before

Take with you as you go
The love I gave freely
Distort the depictions
Of you and me
Destroy our memory

One more time please
I don’t think everyone heard
The words you screamed
“I don’t want you anymore”
I assure you I heard them clearly


  1. The depiction of desolation. The heart hurts reading words like these.

  2. Love has spoiled. Your writing took me back to a time not so long ago. Life is not fair.

  3. Best. Title. Ever.

  4. Yikes! Like a strong wind, blown away. xo

  5. VERY powerful. This one hit home. ~Aravis
