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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Just Decide

Emotions overwhelming
Twisting and knotting
I’m drowning
I can’t breathe
My words thrown
Back at me
Swallowing my need
To know
To understand
Explain it please
Enlighten me
Punish me
Save me from my sin
I’m sinking
Don’t you see
You own me
With Power
From your fingertips
You determine
What will be
Fight with me
Stay with me
Or leave me to die
Just decide


  1. Very deep, more insight to your writing abilities. Well done honey, keep sharing.

  2. Powerful poem. Thank you for sharing~ Your honesty speaking for myself, helps me to realize I am not alone.

  3. my-0-my sweetheart you got great talent. I would say you sould make a few books but then it my take the fun out of what oyu write. I do thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and all who looks and reads. xOXOXOXXOX K.I.T
