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Thursday, October 7, 2010


Reality flickers brightly
On an unfamiliar road

Starbursts blossoming
Tears blur everything

Unsteady in my course
Unsure of my beginning

Open wounds
Still raw

One step forward
Two back

It seems
I’m forever trapped

Deeply yearning inside
Maybe for all time

I fell and cracked in pieces
Cluttering the ground before you

Shattering the window
I had always stared through

Seeking your soul
A vortex promising nothing

You let me go

How I wish it had been

Does it matter to you that I’m gone?
It matters to me


  1. So beautiful that I wish I had written it myself. Paride

  2. This poem is perfection at it's finest hour. This fits my mood, my life, my emotions, well put.

  3. Damn. There is a part of my soul that is looking around wondering where it was you walked through, because obviously, you visited.
