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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Delicate petals open
Soft and inviting
Visibly alive
Colored by grace
Her stem
Long and unyielding
Brandishing thorns
When necessary
Reminding you
Of your place
Yet love flows
Like dew
Soothing wounds
Dropping kisses
Upon your brow
Alive with color
A soft and strong
Creature of life
A rose
Bright red
Dropping seeds
Shades of pink
Yellow and white
Legacies to bloom
Growing in the sun’s embrace
Always resembling
And remembering
From where they came

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just Me

Standing alone
Though many faces
Exist around me
In this house
Full of painted scenes
Loneliness still wins
My screaming mind
Rises above
Registers attention
From none
Arms stretched out
Seeking comfort
I’m lost
Silence my pleas
Just me
Alone and waiting
For a single
Special essence
The healing balm
That quiets my
Aching dreams

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


My trickle of hope
Leans across the pillow
Beside me
Words fall from your eyes
Soundless pleas
Meaning everything
Soothing heartache and pain
Leaping into your soul
Dancing in memories
Of We
Twisting together
A Connection
Withstanding sin
Cradled in hands of gods
An undying love
Produces simple yearning
Revealing trepidation
Trust lost to one
Leaving requests unfulfilled
Fear rules and strips devotion
In two
Severing the bond
One still holds true
Tears trickle
Across the pillow
Hope flickers
Then gone

Monday, November 8, 2010


Warm flesh
Heart and soul
Keeping time within
A calming pulse
My voice
An affectionate melody
Inside your mind
Trust and dignity
Sarcasm dipped in humor
And bits of insanity
Wrapped up complete
Packaged with sweets
Arms stretched out
Willing to be held
Soft and tender
Against my breast
Embracing reality
I’m real for you
Every part of me
My wish
A single hope
Be real for me

Monday, November 1, 2010

One Mind

Light filters
Soft and smooth
Over delicate skin
Painting you in
Beauty and sensuality
Slender curves carved
By gods of delight
Your scent stirs
My need to possess you
Deep within my heart
Your essence calls my soul
Enticing me to merge with your own
Falling into a never ending
Pool of dreams
Sweetness envelopes me
Lips dine upon
Angelic skin
Quenching thirsts
Hearts merge
Souls combine
One mind